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Dec 1st 2021
From the "you never know who is reading your books" department, here's @GenMhayden on #AmericanNations and the parallels with Bosnia-Herzogovina, via @thecipherbrief.…
2. In the piece, @GenMhayden talks about how he was focused on Bosnia and the Balkans in the 1990s. FWIW, so was I, studying, living in, covering, and doing graduate work on the region. I never could have written the American Nations trilogy otherwise.
3. The threats to our republic and federation are real and the hour is late. I discussed some of what needs to be done in this Union-driven Washington @monthly piece, written just before Jan. 6.…
Read 4 tweets
Jul 5th 2020
(Thread) The US pandemic response is tragically playing out along the regional lines identified in #AmericanNations, with the regions with traditions emphasizing individual liberty failing. Here’s the data via @pressherald:…
2. The regional cultures differ on how they view the ideal society, one that emphasizes lack of restraints on individuals or, instead, maintaining a free community, a shared communitarian project to cultivate a republican citizenry. Details in this book:…
3. With Trump unwilling to lead, we’ve seen a patchwork response, with individualistic regions late to lockdown, early to reopen, and resistant to mask wearing; and the “communitarian” ones taking expert public health advice more seriously.
Read 9 tweets
Nov 27th 2018
this looks very interesting! Beyond WEIRD Psychology: Measuring and Mapping Scales of Cultural and Psychological Distance…
WEIRD scale and Sino scale...
WEIRD scale mapped...
Read 10 tweets
Oct 18th 2018
"Black fertility [in the u.s.] declined sharply from 1880 to 1940, falling to less than one-half of its initial level."

Black Fertility and Family Structure in the U.S., 1880-1940…
"What makes the fertility decline in the black [pop] of particular interest is that it occurred while the black [pop] was still primarily rural and agricultural and was located in a region of the country not undergoing significant industrialization or large-scale urbanization."
Read 5 tweets

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