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Dec 31st 2020
Would you like to know the town I grew up in? Its called Antioch, IL. Famous for Kyle [Rittenhouse]? I’m learning how dark my hometown REALLY is. Here’s a sample. More to come. #Soon. ImageImageImageImage
2) I’m busy at the moment, but will tell you things that I have recently found out within 24hrs. @LightShadowFLWR, @dorymalicki, & @channelrat72 grew up with me. Please jump in with anything you remember. Think Sacrifices. Think graveyards. Think underground rail/Milburn. ImageImage
3) Our Intelligence insider friend tells us (and we’ve seen) Freemasons are always on site doing interviews with media during FFs. Do you recognize any of these ppl. Antioch, IL friends? I don’t. Shouldn’t we? Shadow puppets? ImageImageImageImage
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