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Sep 24th 2022
#AMAAVAASYA - The #PITHRU Thithi (Titbits) -🧵

As per Lunar calendar there R 16 thithis (Lunar days) out of which 14 gets repeated twice in a cycle of 30 days starting from Prathipada ending with Chaturdasi. Other 2 thithis that occur once in a month R Pournami & AmaAvaasya. +
A lunar month ending with Poornima is called #PoornimaAnta & the one ending with Amavasya is called #AmaAnta.

Chaturdasi overlapping with AmaAvaasya is called #Sinivaali & Amavasya overlapping with Prathipada is called as #Kuhu. Both are astrologically considered as malefic. ++
AmaAvaasya is also known as #Darsha thithi. Darsha (Darshana) means the day AmaAvaasya is visible. On this day of Darsha when Amaavaasya thithi is prevailing around afternoon time (#Aparaannah vyaapini) Thila tharapana is given to forefathers. ++
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