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Oct 3rd 2020
#ArnhemBFT - the route of C 2Para, approaching the railroad bridge. Standing here you note how deep the floodplain is and the distance to the railway (the dyke used to run out to about the modern train)
The (rebuilt) railroad bridge with the houses visible where the Sprengkommando was. From here LtBerry took one section to capture the bridge while 2” mortars of 8 and 9 platoons would provide smoke cover.
#Arnhembft The stone building was the stairwell to the railway. To the left was the embankment, raised sections south. Only southern stretch was blown up at 6.30PM. C 2Para now had to capture the Ortskommandantur in Arnhem. Wounded Lt.Berry left in a house on Benedendorpsweg.
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