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Jul 25th 2021
Ever wondered why North is at the top of our maps?

If you're assuming there are logical, scientific, Nature-driven reasons for it - yeah, I did too.

In fact, they're whimsical, arbitrary or just plain ridiculous.

Hold onto your hat. This may turn your world upside-down.

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We start in 1154 AD. Arab geographer Muhammad al-Idrisi is about to publish a very special book. A book describing the entire known world.

It's as heavy on calculations as it is on narrative.

And thanks to a map made of solid silver, just plain *heavy*.

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This map was astoundingly accurate for its time.

Al-Idrisi calculated the circumference of the world to be 37,000 km (22,900 mi). That’s less than 10% short of the correct figure.

Parts of the book were still considered authoritative at the turn of the 20th Century.

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