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Feb 21st 2023
#Ashvini #Nakshatra - a discourse

Ācārya: Let us then discuss Aśvinī, the first Nakṣatra.
Kailaśa: Guruji, what does the name mean?
Jayanta: Aśva means horse, one being born from a horse. Do you know the story about the birth of the Aśvinīs?
Kailaśa: Yes, Gurubhrāta, I know. They were born when Saṅjñādevi went to a forest for Tapasyā. Realizing this, Sūryadeva went to bring her back and had love. From their union, the Aśvinīs were born.
Sunidhi: Guruji, are horses native to Bharat or were they brought from Arab? I read that Horses originated from Arab.
Kailaśa: Undoubtedly, Arabian horses are one of the most recognized breeds; it is not true that horses originated from Arab.
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