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Feb 13th 2023
With AskFred, we're applying all the incredible tech that powers #ChatGPT to a very tailored problem: Meetings!

@firefliesai is fortunate to collab with companies like @OpenAI

A special thank you to @vkhosla @SVenkatachalam @khoslaventures for making this possible
Meetings is where we spend 1/3 of our work life

I now have an AI assistant that I can talk to about any conversation I've ever had... giving me perfect recall so I can better understand

My customers
My candidates
My colleagues
My company
Knowledge originates in meetings
Knowledge is also buried in meetings

To address that, we made @firefliesai be the de-facto conversational knowledge base built on top of meetings

Tech like #gpt3 enables us to extract knowledge more effectively... #AskFred is a result of that Image
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