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Nov 18th 2021
Lunar Eclipse 2021- The Biggest Lunar Eclipse of the Century: Be Careful!

Lunar Eclipse is an influential event, as it enhances the 'within power'. It is the time to contemplate, meditate, chant mantras, perform holy rituals and other spiritual practices. This time is the
time to connect your physical self with your spiritual entity.

To attain the maximum advantage of the time period of Lunar Eclipse 2021 it is advisable to maintain distance from the materialistic pursuits and major decisions such as change of job, home shifting,
marriage, important purchases and major investment.

Lunar Eclipse in Krittika Nakshatra :
During the time of Krittika Nakshatra, that is, on 19th November 2021, the biggest Lunar Eclipse of the century will appear. Krittika Nakshatra, often known as 'the cutting star',
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