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Jan 28th 2023
On June 10, 1970, BBC aired a film depicting India in a negative light. This was followed by another anti-India film which was broadcast on June 23, 1970. #BanBBCInIndia Image
In response, on July 1, 1970, the Indian Embassy in Britain sent a letter to BBC and the British Foreign Office, urging them not to show such films..
On July 29, 1970, the Indian government, led by Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, ordered BBC to be expelled from the country.
Read 6 tweets
Jan 24th 2023
A complete and immediate ban on BBC it is needed because BBC has exposed itself time and again and has lost the credibility of reporting on India and in India.
The The news that it provides are so subtly fake that sometimes it becomes hard to separate news from propaganda. But if you think that it is an exaggerated deduction, let me remind you few anti-India narratives created by BBC to promote hostility in the masses.
Long maligned history of BBC

There is a long list of anti-India propaganda by BBC. Let us catch up to some of them. Starting with the 2019 incident when Yogi Adityanath was completing 4 years of his tenure as a CM and presented his report card..
Read 17 tweets

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