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Aug 23rd 2020
BarabarHillCaves are oldest surviving rock-cut caves in India, dating from MauryaEmpire, some with Ashokan inscriptions, located in Jehanabad, Bihar.

📷The famous carved entrance of Lomas Rishi cave, dated to approx 250 BC, making it 1st known Maurya relief.


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#BarabarHillcmCaves were used by ascetics from the Ajivika sect, founded by Makkhali Gosala, a contemporary of Gautama Buddha, the founder of Buddhism & of Mahavira, the last & 24th Tirthankara of Jainism. The Ajivikas had many similarities with Buddhism as well as Jainism.

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Most #BarabarHillCaves consist of two chambers, carved entirely out of granite, with a highly polished internal surface, the "Mauryan polish" also found on sculptures, and exciting echo effects. It contains 4 caves: Karan Chaupar, Lomas Rishi, Sudama and Visvakarma.

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