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Jun 5th 2022
When considering major issues such as global climate and environment, we find it very important to establish solid facts regarding Brazil’s track record and strong sustainable development credentials.
Firstly, 60% of Brazilian vegetation is primeval; it is now as it has been since time immemorial, and as it was in the time of the European settlers. These well-established figures are acknowledged by the World Bank, OECD and the UN Food and Agriculture Organization. Image
Brazil also has some of the strictest environmental laws in the world, which allows for the protection of the Amazon and the other diverse biomes of our country. For this reason, Brazilian farmers can never touch 20% of their own lands, or even up to 80% in forested areas. Image
Read 17 tweets
May 5th 2022
Poster praising Brazilian participation in the 2nd World War, early 1940’s. National Archives of Brazil. Ministry of Justice and Internal Affairs Collection. #IndependenceForLife #Bicentennial2022 #Brasil200
Brazilian Expeditionary Forces’ route in the Campaign for Italy, 1945. National Archives of Brazil. Ministry of Justice and Internal Affairs Collection.
#IndependenceForLife #Bicentennial2022 #Brasil200
This year, Brazil celebrates two centuries of Independence - the dream that seeded all Brazilian realities. Because Brazil is about people. It’s about our ideas, our memories, our hopes, our faith, our histories, our ingenuity, our hard work and our passion. This is who we are.
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