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Nov 19th 2021
At the faculty/staff/alumni #BlackburnTakeover support rally a few weeks ago, when the situation of @HowardU not paying faculty and grad students in a timely manner was acknowledged, there was some bleak laughter and head-nodding. Because this is not new.
This is a known part of the run-around. It's been going on for years. Here's how it looks on the ground...
Read 26 tweets
Nov 16th 2021
A thread in regards to the settlement made with #BlackburnTakeover

How we reached an agreement:

The terms of the agreement were made clear to every participating student and an internal vote was held on whether we would or would not accept this agreement.
The are terms of the agreement that we can not speak to. All agreements made with the university since the first protest and including ‘89 and 2018 were confidential in nature.
What students can expect as a result of the protest:

1) Every student can expect increased transparency from the university and an opportunity to ask questions
2) Students can expect and observe increased scrutiny on the university regarding environmental concerns
Read 7 tweets
Oct 29th 2021
#BlackburnTakeover Day 17, rainy and cold.
Are we okay with any institution, not to mention an HBCU, callously treating Black students protesting conditions (which the university is now hastily remedying)?
Statement from students’ counsel. A thread
Posted by Donald M. Temple at about 2:30 a.m. on 10.29.21
It was Sunday afternoon when the students asked me to represent them pro bono. After all, the President asked them about counsel, as if they could afford one.
In two student initiated meetings this past Monday and Wednesday, student leaders were prepared to engage in a good faith NEGOTIATION AND RESOLUTION of their concerns. These beautiful, brilliant, courageous, young women showed me something beyond social media’s episodic footage.
Read 9 tweets
Oct 23rd 2021
“Howard Housing & Corvias, the Shady Private Company Behind It”

Damning summary below by Howard Doctoral Student to help understand #blackburntakeover broader housing corporate context. Corvias signed 40 yr contract w/ #HowardUniversity in 2016. Thread:…
"How do we hold Corvias responsible too?"

"...the shady private company run by some dude [CEO John Picerne] who donates thousands of dollars to political campaigns and has 49-ft yacht & Palm Beach mansion full of exotic alligator & snake taxidermy?"…
“Corvias and the Military: Military families report collapsed ceiling that resulted in children being injured, black mold, breathing issues, all problems Howard students have reported. These families are currently suing Corvias for $5M” #BlackburnTakeover…
Read 7 tweets
Oct 13th 2021
After seeing all the post from #BlackburnTakeover, I have to contextualize the issues students have had at Howard because it is truly inhumane what undergraduates go through. This thread will go the history of civil disobedience and issues with the living conditions at Howard 1/
A group of student protesters have organized a sit-in at the Blackburn Center, to voice their concerns with administration to address housing issues, and the removal student, faculty & alumni representation on the Board of Trustees. 2/ #BlackburnTakeover
Howard is NOT new to student protest. In 1968, Howard University students seized the Admin Building and demanded that the school makes institutional changes, like teaching African American history, setting precedent to future protest 3/ #BlackburnTakeover…
Read 17 tweets

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