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Jun 29th 2020
Today we bid farewell to our deputy commanding general for Operations, Maj. Gen. Patrick J. Donahoe. He's better known in these parts as @PatDonahoeArmy. He came to us from @drum10thmtn in late 2018, and as he departs today, he's leaving us a better organization. THREAD!
Eighth Army has a long and proud history - but not much attention went into the days before June 25, 1950 - the start of the Korean War. The "O" changed that - and last year's 75th anniversary celebration was in large part a result of his drive and reverence for our past.
He led the effort to change the enduring narrative of Korea as a solo hardship tour, He turned that around, leading the #AssignmentofChoice initiative, showing Soldiers and families the new facilities, top schools, and the 15 hour head start to their Asian bucket list travel.
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