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BOP Spotlight | ✨ Yetunde Ayeni-Babaeko was born in Enugu, Eastern Nigeria to a Nigerian father and a German mother. She moved to Germany as a child and completed her high school diploma (Abitur) before embarking on a photography apprenticeship ImageImageImageImage
majoring in advertising photography at Studio Be in Greven, Germany. On completing her apprenticeship in 2003, she returned to Nigeria and joined Ess-Ay Studio for a 12 month photography program, facilitated by Invent, Germany.
This experience spurred her to deepen her photographic skills by enrolling at Macromedia, a school for art anddesign in Osnabrueck, Germany.
Ayeni-Babaeko returned to Nigeria in 2005 and worked as free-lance photographer, before opening her own studio in 2007
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