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May 16th 2020
Good morning & Welcome to our Tweet Discussion on the topic: "Empowering Boys as Role Models towards Effective Hygiene & Menstruation" with @elovianinitiative on this #BoysDay We are really excited to host her. Tweet using the #BoysAndMHM and #SHPTweetSeries to follow through.
Eloviano Afakpe is a Blogger, Project Manager, Mental Health & Education Enthusiasts & the founder of Elovia Initiative “Boys Matter”. She’s a very passionate humanitarian who’s into Teen/Youth & Boy Child Advocacy. She strongly believes in “Humanity before Gender” #BoysAndMHM
Let's get started!

Q1. Welcome @eloviainitiativ to #BoysAndMHM Kindly tell us more about you, and what your organization is doing to for the Boy Child.

#InternationalBoysDay #BoysMatterToo #IBD2029
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