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Sep 28th 2020
They’re all misogynist shits: Police officer “noted in his report that he saw several bruises on Candice Parscale's arm. She said she suffered those ‘a few days ago during a physical altercation with Bradley, which she did not report,’”… #BradPascale
At the beginning of the Trump years, I started a thread about the misogyny of Trump cabinet members and advisers etc - when they beat a woman, worked to repeal reproductive rights, etc.

It got too long and I stopped.
Those are exactly the people who would work with President Grab Them By the Pussy.

Also - it is not a dealbreaker for voters that a male politician is a misogynist shit because many male voters are often misogynist shits and the women are Footsoldiers of the Patriarchy.
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