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Apr 7th 2022
Some personal news: After a decade working on @OSU_Law faculty and living in Columbus, this summer we'll be moving a few hours north, where I'll join @UMichLaw faculty.
A quick 🧵 reflecting on how Ohio State has been such an amazing professional home over the last ten years:
My OSU colleagues have been amazing -- so many generous faculty mentors and collaborators, two supportive deans, and a top-rate staff, including my assistant (& dear friend) who has worked w/me all ten years. They all helped me become the teacher, scholar, and person I am today.
It's been such a privilege to teach and learn from my #Buckeye students, including the nearly 50 research assistants who have helped me with research over the years and the more than 150 students who spent the summer in DC with me as part of the law school's DC summer program.
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