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Jun 6th 2020
In 2013, I asked #ManhattanDA @CyVanceforDA at a forum to decline to prosecute non-violent protest arrests. He answered that he didn't have the authority.

That was a lie, of course. In fact, it was the same month he declined to prosecute Harvey Weinstein. #ByeCy #ResignVance 1/
But what wasn't a lie is that Cy Vance aggressively prosecuted 1A arrests at every opportunity for over a decade. He did the same w/ marijuana arrests, gravity knives, etc. Every BS charge NYPD uses to incarcerate Black and Brown NYers, Vance threw the book at people. #ByeCy 2/
But @CyVanceforDA did more than that. He routinely, as a matter of policy, withheld evidence from the defense until the day of trial. This forced Defense Attys to either go to trial unprepared, or send their clients back to Rikers w a continuance. #ByeCy 3/
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