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Feb 26th 2020
1] IMHO.. from what I’ve read/watched/heard elsewhere from numerous sources.. the list near the end of the linked Breitbart article should say “3)Those who abuse children” and there should be a number “4)The victims of 1, 2, 3.” #ThesePeopleAreSick
2] The reference to the “Monsters Inc.” movie is WAY more relevant than most people would know, or want to know once they do. A movie about monsters who compete to scare kids as much as they possibly can to glean power generated from their screams. Sadly, it’s not fiction folks.
3] Look up what Adrenochrome is, where it comes from, the effects that “people” get from it, how it is HIGHLY addictive. Now think about child trafficking & how the kids usually cannot be tracked, and how many 100’s of THOUSANDS of kids (that ARE known about) go missing yearly.
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