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May 10th 2019
#CelebratingMenWhoDare Professor Olusegun O. Sogbesan, Director and Founder of Onitsha Business School. "He arrived Agulu, in the then old Anambra state in 1985, from his native in Osun state and identified a gap with Traders in Onitsha Main Market re Entrepreneurial studies."
"After his National Youth Service Year the following year in 1986, Segun stayed back in Anambra state. He saw a need to empower the traders with the right information based on the gaps he identified from his many interaction with them."
"Segun believed that with the right exposure, information and training, these traders will live up to their highest potentials. He developed an academic program tailored towards business which provides a young Igbo apprentice that has completed Imu-Ahia training with choices.."
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