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BREAKING🔔 The 20th paper from G2P-Japan🇯🇵 is out at Nature Communications @NatureComms. We illuminated the convergent evolution of #Omicron and characteristics of BQ.1.1 (aka #Cerberos). Please RT

20 papers in 28 months since the launch of G2P-Japan🎉 1/…
In late 2022, the Omicron subvariants have highly diversified. However, some lineages have convergently acquired amino acid substitutions at five critical residues in the spike protein: R346, K444, L452, N460 and F486. 2/
Omicron BQ.1.1 (aka #Cerberus), a descendant of BA.5, bears all five substitutions at the convergent sites: R346T, K444T, L452R, N460K, F486V. 3/ Image
Read 9 tweets
what happened in #RadFi2022?
🔹nowadays the crypto is absolutely garbage for users, Devs & entrepreneurs. because they want good UX , secure platform & efficiency.
🔸 $ETH $Sol $DOT $ADA & Etc. can't response these demands as the best as possibility.
@radixdlt #Crypto #Defi
🔸#DeFi had increased to 200B dollars recently.
🔹20k Devs spend 24h/7d time to build secure & good user experience platforms but almost 6B dollars hack occurred recently!
🔸that's why the people you know who use #Web3 & #Defi are really handful.
@radixdlt #Crypto #Web3
☑️#Radix comes to solve them while providing :
/ \
/ \
secure _ _ __ decentralization

Radix is a pre-sharded platform that has 2^256 shards!
the shard meaning is different from another platforms.
Read 12 tweets
BREAKING🔔 The 14th preprint from G2P-Japan🇯🇵 is out @biorxivpreprint. We illuminated the evolutionary rule underlying the convergent evolution of #Omicron and the virological characteristics of one of the latest lineages of concern, BQ.1.1. Please RT. 1/…
In late 2022, the Omicron subvariants have highly diversified. However, some lineages have convergently acquired amino acid substitutions at five critical residues in the spike protein: R346, K444, L452, N460 and F486. 2/
Omicron BQ.1.1 (aka #Cerberus), a descendant of BA.5, bears all five substitutions at the convergent sites: #R346T #K444T #L452R #N460K #F486V. 3/
Read 9 tweets
"The fact that BQ variants are rising in the region make it a likely contender to generate a wave throughout the rest of the country"

The country can “be alerted quickly” to a coming #BQwave by looking at #NewYork data

H/T @ErinMPrater @FortuneMagazine

#Cerberus #Typhon
Newly reported #COVID19 #Hospital admissions in #NewYork Image
Read 5 tweets
1) Breaking: As #COVID hospitalizations in Quebec climbed to their highest level Wednesday since Aug. 9, evidence is emerging that the new "Cerberus" subvariant is beginning to invade the province, especially in the Montreal area. In this thread, I will examine the implications.
2) #Cerberus, an offshoot of the #Omicron variant, is also known as BQ.1.1. One of the world's top #COVID experts, Dr. Eric Topol, warned in a tweet last week that BQ.1.1, "with marked immune evasive properties," is likely to be "the principal driver of (the) next U.S. wave." Image
3) This is how another expert tracking SARS-CoV-2 variants described BQ.1.1. Along with BA.2.75.2, BQ.1.1 "are the most antibody-evasive convergent variants tested, far exceeding BA.5 and approaching SARS-CoV-1 level." BA.2.75.2 hasn't been detected in Quebec, but BQ.1.1 is here. Image
Read 13 tweets
Tracking #SARSCoV2 #Convergent #Lineages ( aka #VariantSoup) over time - Globally | #30DayTrends

BQ.1.1(#Cerberus) is currently leading the charts!
BQ.1 (#Typhon) & BA.2.75.2* (#Chiron) are not far behind!


Updated 10/13/2022
Note: Tracker includes Preselected (PS) or Airport Screening (AS) from the following countries

108 Austria (PS)
11 Japan (AS)

17 Austria (PS)
10 Japan (AS)

6 Austria (PS)
7 Japan (AS)
7 USA (AS)

269 Austria (PS)
21 Japan (AS)
10 USA (AS)

Granular details - #VariantSoup with Convergent Mutations #30DayTrends

Top Lineages with Convergent Mutations-


Read 7 tweets
Tracking BQ* lineages (BQ.1* & BQ.1.1-17*) over time

Total BQ* Sequences: 2,970
Total BQ.1.1*: 1,218👀

Tracker now includes BQ.1, BQ.1.1 to BQ.1.17!


[Nick names - BQ.1*: #Typhon BQ.1.1*: #Cerberus]

10/13/22 2 pm
Tracking BQ* lineages over time in the #UnitedKingdom

#England is a BQ* hotspot Image
Closely following BQ.1.1* and BQ.1.9* over time in #USA

Both are BQ* lineages with Spike: R346T mutation

BQ.1.9 is defined by ORF1a:V2604I and has picked up Spike:R346T later (independent from BQ.1.1) Image
Read 4 tweets
A few of the people on here that I trust explicitly have been warning about this mutation for a while.
We may be arriving at a whole new chapter in the pandemic, or maybe even book 3.
Read 7 tweets
Tracking #SARSCoV2 #Convergent #Lineages ( aka #VariantSoup) over time - Globally | #30DayTrends

BQ.1 (#Typhon)/BQ.1.1(#Cerberus) are currently at the top & BA.2.75.2* (#Chiron) is not far behind!


Updated 10/7/2022 Image
Granular details - #VariantSoup with Convergent Mutations #30DayTrends

BQ.1/BQ.1.1 and BA.2.75.2 are heading the charts!

2/n Image
Tracked #Convergent #lineages are predicted to be immune evasive and bind to host ACE2 receptor better than Omicron.BA2

XBB is most immune evasive
Most BA.2.75* binds better to ACE2 receptors

Closely watched lineages - XBB, BM.1.1.1, CA.1, BQ.1.1, BN.1

3/n Image
Read 12 tweets
Tracking #SARSCoV2 #Convergent #Lineages ( aka #VariantSoup) over time - Globally | #30DayTrends

BQ.1 (#Typhon)/BQ.1.1(#Cerberus) are currently at the top & BA.2.75.2* (#Chiron) is not far behind!


Updated 10/6/2022
Granular details - #VariantSoup with Convergent Mutations #30DayTrends

BQ.1/BQ.1.1 and BA.2.75.2 are heading the charts!

Tracked #Convergent #lineages are predicted to be immune evasive and bind to host ACE2 receptor better than Omicron.BA2

XBB is most immune evasive
Most BA.2.75* binds better to ACE2 receptors

Closely watched lineages - XBB, CA.1, BQ.1.1, BN.1, BR.3

Read 12 tweets
Tracking #SARSCoV2 #Convergent #Lineages** over time - Globally | 10/5/2022

BQ.1 (#Typhon)/BQ.1.1(#Cerberus) is currently at the top & BA.2.75.2* (#Chiron) is not far behind!…

** aka #VariantSoup #Pentagon #ConvergentQuintet and others in social media Image
Granular details - "Convergent Quintet"

BQ.1/BQ.1.1 and BA.2.75.2 are heading the charts!

2/n Image
Tracked #Convergent #lineages are predicted to be immune evasive and bind to host ACE2 receptor better than Omicron.BA2

XBB is most immune evasive
Most BA.2.75* binds better to ACE2 receptors

Closely watched lineages - XBB, CA.1, BQ.1.1, BN.1, BR.3

3/n Image
Read 10 tweets
Tracking #SARSCoV2 Lineages with the "#Convergent #Quintet" mutations over time - Globally |

BQ.1 (#Typhon)/BQ.1.1(#Cerberus) is currently at the top!

Key #Spike amino acids tracked: 346, 356, 444-446, 450, 452, 460, 486, 490, 493-494…

10/4/2022 update
Note: Some of the tracked sub-lineages have not picked up all of the key convergent mutations but they eventually will (for example BA.2.3.20)

Granular details - "Convergent Quintet"

BQ.1/BQ.1.1 and BA.2.75.2 are heading the charts!

Read 8 tweets
Diese #Herbstwelle wird #keine klassische #Varianten-#Welle, wie die 6 Wellen zuvor (2xD614G, B.1.1.7, Delta, BA.1, BA.2, BA.4/5) sondern wir sehen alle möglichen BA.2 Sublinien, die alle die gleichen Mutationen aufweisen (493 Reversion An Position 346 444 452, 460, 486 /1
Es entsteht eine Situation, die die Wissenschaftler so zuvor bei SARS-CoV2 vorher noch nie beobachtet hatten: konvergente Evolution überall weltweit, immer die gleichen Mutationen = koplett unübersichtliche Lage. "Something #big ist happening with SC2, /2

Absolute Leseempfehlung für diesen Thread von @shay_fleishon ⤵️wenn jemand da näher einsteigen will. Fakt ist dass dies eine für die Pandemie völlig #neue #Situation : #Überall ploppen #Subvarianten und Second-Generation Varianten von BA.2 und BA.5 auf,

Read 13 tweets
Status of the latest #COVID19 Wave in #NewYork #BellwetherState

NY just uploaded 425 sequences - had to update charts!

Top circulating variants - BA.5.2.1 (20%), BA.4.6 (15%)

Proportion of BQ* lineages are increasing
BQ.1* (2.84%) & BQ.1.1* (1.00%)👀 ImageImage
BQ.1.1 (aka #Cerberus) is able to evade all available mAb therapeutics including #Evusheld and #Bebtelovimab.

Bivalent boosters (OG/Omicron.BA.5) will potentially protect the boosted from getting severe disease.

Please get #boosted ASAP! Image
We may have to switch to #SequenceToTreat from #TestToTreat soon...

mAbs work well against BA.2.3.20

#Bebtelovimab works well against most BA.2.75* without spike K444 mutations

None of the mAb currently authorized by @US_FDA will work against BQ.1. lineage
Read 4 tweets
Tracking BQ* lineages (BQ.1* & BQ.1.1*) over time

Emerging Hotspots:

BQ.1* (aka #Typhon) : #USA, #UnitedKingdom, #Denmark, #Canada, #Germany

BQ.1.1* (aka #Cerberus): #UnitedKingdom, #USA, #France, #Denmark, #Belgium


Updated 9/27/2022 12 pm
Tracking BQ.1* (aka #Typhon)/BQ.1.1* (aka #Cerberus) in the #UnitedKingdom over time

#England is a BQ.1/BQ.1.1 hotspot!

Please get #boosted and #MaskUp!

Note: Latest Epi Weeks are incomplete ImageImage
Tracking BQ.1* (aka #Typhon)/BQ.1.1* (aka #Cerberus) in #USA over time

#Texas, #NewYork, #NewJersey, #California, #Georgia #Maryland #Connecticut are emerging BQ.1/BQ.1.1 hotspots!

Please get #boosted and #MaskUp! ImageImage
Read 4 tweets
" The Arkansas-based Tier 1 Group, which is owned by the private equity firm Cerberus Capital Management, run by Steve Feinberg" 🧵 👇
2018 archived post:

"Trump hires Stephen Feinberg of Cerberus Capital and DynCorp chain to lead intelligence advisory board. Apart from everything else, what's that about the sell off of blood plasma from the UK to US?"
2009 art.…
"Cerberus Capital, one of Wall Street’s most notoriously ruthless leveraged-buyout firms (or “private equity firms” in PC-speak), recently made a $1.8 billion killing on its human plasma investment, a company called Talecris."
Read 22 tweets
Read 3 tweets
Throughout the day a few folks have correctly noted that there are indeed hybrid consensus platforms such as $dot #symbol #eth2 & others.

However there's a subtle but important difference in #cassandra that perhaps warrants "hybrid" as the incorrect term.

Clarification then...
As far as I understand, these solutions are essentially two separate consensus mechanisms.

Probabilistic to perform state transitions, with deterministic to finalise the best version of the former.

It works & does the job required, so why is #cassandra different?

Think of a hybrid car. There is a petrol engine & electric motor working together to move the car.

They are 2 separate systems & are open loop, one way. The engine if needed can generate electricity for the motor, but the motor doesn't produce anything useful for the engine...
Read 15 tweets
The Intelligence Mafia: How the US has been compromised for years if not decades. #OpDeathEaters #Dyncorp #Blackwater #XE #Cerberus
Private contractors "are allowed to make huge donations to political parties from their billion tax dollar contracts." #OpDeathEaters #Dyncorp #Blackwater #XE #Cerberus Image
Blackwater founder Erik Prince advised Trump's inner circle—including Russia asset Michael Flynn. " #OpDeathEaters #Dyncorp #Blackwater #XE #Cerberus…
Read 40 tweets
The Deatheaters among us: Trump, Russia, Mobsters, Child Traffickers and how you can defeat them. #OpDeathEaters…
Donald #Trump attempts to deflect top level human trafficking exposure by blaming it on the internet. #OpDeathEaters
We have been warning you about your government being compromised for years now. #Trump = consequence. #OpDeathEaters
Read 126 tweets

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