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Jul 21st 2021
.@AOC @ninaturner I want to ask this question:

If you do decide to not mention, support or drop by the @M4M4ALL, will you put in a word to @PramilaJayapal, who has ignored @WholeWashington for years?

I don’t want to give up hope but this isn’t even like @ForceTheVoteM4A (1/2)
What @M4M4ALL & @ForceTheVoteM4A have in common is, they were/are organized by the grassroots! They both are made to push M4A onto the national public awareness platform. They both build movement energy and moral (something that the progressive caucus doesn’t seem to care about).
They both required time and organizing effort. They both have been smeared and undermined as a strategy.

Okay how do they differ?

@M4M4ALL is RIGHT NOW!! In 3 days, in 51 FUCKING CITIES across this country!!!!!

My mind is COMPLETELY blown away.
Although FTV energized us,
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