#LoveWarrior #TruthJusticeLove Profile picture
Laura Fielding, Founder of grassroots creative coalition of craftivists for Medicare for All & state single payer solidarity.
Nov 5, 2021 4 tweets 5 min read
.@SarcasmStardust is live with @joefirestonephd and @50linesonly talking about our march to fascism (we’ve arrived)!!


Convo w/Comrade Misty, Co-host of Action4Assange, & Lisa Theobald, Red B... via @YouTube .@joerogan, please do another show covering Julian Assange!!

You could interview @SarcasmStardust, who is a #FreeAssange activist!

Thank you for the coverage you have already given and if you see this, thx for considering!!

Sep 16, 2021 10 tweets 24 min read
@StoicGiraffee @JENFL23 Great idea! That’s what we all agree on!! How do we do this? Strategies the @RedBeretsM4A have worked towards this goal:

1. Volunteering thousands of hours to try to elect Bernie.
2. Volunteering for & donating to elect progressives.
3. Co-organized national marches.

(Cont), @StoicGiraffee @JENFL23 @RedBeretsM4A 4. Worked through creative means to build coalitions and build solidarity in this movement, which is why we were reached out to by Shareef Snuggs @iam4M4A to partner with M4M4ALL.
5. Boosted the hell out of progressive independent media who are platforming M4A organizers,

Sep 15, 2021 11 tweets 13 min read
gofund.me/6205ce5b #GoFundMe

We just received another donation! You know, Shareef Snuggs @iam4M4A and I were just talking about the need to build our communities through #MutualAid, (and while a travel fund is not the same as medical emergency or desperation), we ARE,(1/2) We are working together w/ @KennyBallentine, to create a truly grassroots, transformative, movement building documentary!

Deep thanks to @WholeWashington, @M4M4ALL @50linesonly @DesnoyersScott @DrJoeQJarvis @DrDooleyMD @ProudSocialist @J_ManPrime21 @wendellpotter and many more!
Sep 14, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
Remember when @AOC ignored marches in 56 cities? That was super fun, trying to raise tiny dollar donations from dirt poor/already financially spread thin organizers, wasn’t it, Shareef?

.@ninaturner I need you to see this, too! We, the 99% are out so much money when it comes to donating. We’re funding the revolution. (1/2)
Aug 17, 2021 5 tweets 6 min read
@joefirestonephd @M4M4ALL @briebriejoy Ahh yes, the thread that started it all!! The one where @GeoDavenport and I ushered (in good faith), some people who despite getting all of their questions answered, we’re still trolling us relentlessly! So we said, hey, it’s okay! We ALL agree we need to pass NIMA, SO, (1/2), @joefirestonephd @M4M4ALL @briebriejoy @GeoDavenport Why don’t you all tell us YOUR timeline & strategy for passing NIMA?! (Crickets) …Trolling comments resume, so we say, ‘hey have you all heard about the @M4M4ALL?? Maybe we could all work together on that!’

We say that many times over on “the thread.”

Turns out, they (cont)
Aug 17, 2021 4 tweets 4 min read
Hi there @jimmy_dore! It’s me again—“relentless Laura!!”~@J_ManPrime21♥️

I have a quick request! First of all, thanks for endorsing @WholeWashington!!

We would love to create a special endorsement graphic, but we need you to please fill out the form I’ll link below!

#RedBerets If you don’t want to fill out this form, please write as a response, ‘I don’t want to fill out the fucking form, but YES, I endorse @WholeWashington!’

You may please feel free to ask @RepJayapal why she hasn’t endorsed yet! But that part is optional:-)

Aug 16, 2021 21 tweets 67 min read
@keidekay @MaryTheQueenOfC @briebriejoy @marwilliamson It’s fine! I ended up gathering that. I blocked them. I’m already having a horrendous 24 hours within the M4A organizing movement, so I don’t have the energy for this debate.

Allow me to explain. @keidekay @MaryTheQueenOfC @briebriejoy @marwilliamson Essentially, I feel used up by the Medicare for All movement. I have personally knit over 350 #RedBerets to help unify the M4A community.

I strongly supported the electoral strategy. I have donated a HUGE sum of money for yarn, & to M4A candidate campaign. (1/?)
Aug 16, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
I’m so excited to begin gathering signatures for @WholeWashington #I1362!! Solidarity organizing is how we will achieve national improved Medicare for ALL!

We won’t get there by leaving strong efforts on all fronts out.

.@KennyBallentine understands this!
@ReddIsAri thank you! When I say begin, I mean pick up the pace!We need 400K and though I have collected quite a few sheets of 20 signatures each, and also gotten them to small businesses to host (and hosted a petition bin, so I’m a pick up & drop off point), I still haven’t done enough!

Aug 8, 2021 9 tweets 4 min read
Knitting as a metaphor for healthcare justice organizing: hear me me out:-)

I’m reflecting on this misguided notion that local organizing can be separated from national M4A

I want to create a beret or hat, yes? Yes. That’s the objective.

I don’t just get to snap my fingers 1/2 I need to procure yarn, & needles. I have to choose the shade, yarn weight & pattern. Next I need to cast on the correct number of stitches. I don’t love to knit, purl, knit purl ribbing—it’s a pain in the ass. I’d rather be onto the body, but I don’t get to skip that part. Cont,
Aug 5, 2021 4 tweets 4 min read
Sending out a couple points of clarification regarding endorsements!

1. @WholeWashington is non-partisan, they cannot endorse candidates.
2. Candidates can endorse Whole Wa & when they do, WW publicly thanks them!
3. Red Berets now have an official twitter @RedBeretsM4A

(1/2) 4. This account, @RedBeretsM4All, is the account of founder & executive director of Red Berets Medicare for All, Laura Fielding, who is also also a board member of @WholeWashington.

5. When I tweet from this account, it is with my own opinions.

Aug 5, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
“Cenk has to sit on top of his shit mountain”~Zac


Thx @vanguard_pod for the excellent points that the online left have ZERO actual power, & the Lol🤣

Cenk Uygur BLAMES Jimmy Dore, Briahna Joy Gray CALLS OUT Emma Vigeland F... via @YouTube Both of you cracking me the f up, @GavinCMB, as I’m catching up on work notes.

To say that the online left are fucking ridiculous, & petty is a huge understatement.

…not like I participate or anything…but you know🤣

People punching at organizers last night was fun too:-)😒
Aug 4, 2021 4 tweets 4 min read
Thank you @CallForCongress for all you did to help #GOTV for @ninaturner, the #MedicareForAll and living wage candidate for #OH11!!♥️

Please bring word as it comes! We’re watching! Shareef and Lisa guess what? Jason Call has confirmed he will join us in Tacoma to rally for national improved Medicare for All and amplification of @WholeWashington #I1362 on August 21st!

So confirmed speakers so far:

@iam4M4A (1/2) Image
Jul 21, 2021 12 tweets 6 min read
.@AOC @ninaturner I want to ask this question:

If you do decide to not mention, support or drop by the @M4M4ALL, will you put in a word to @PramilaJayapal, who has ignored @WholeWashington for years?

I don’t want to give up hope but this isn’t even like @ForceTheVoteM4A (1/2) What @M4M4ALL & @ForceTheVoteM4A have in common is, they were/are organized by the grassroots! They both are made to push M4A onto the national public awareness platform. They both build movement energy and moral (something that the progressive caucus doesn’t seem to care about).
Jul 9, 2021 8 tweets 10 min read
Thank you, @PunchUpPod, for inviting me on to talk about the #RedBerets for Medicare for All and @WholeWashington! We are proud to have been the first two orgs to partner with @M4M4ALL — In 40 cities July 24th!

One Good Thing Laura Fielding via @YouTube Here is an excerpt!!♥️🧶

#RedBerets #M4M4ALL July 24th‼️🏩