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Feb 8th 2020
Lots of angry people in Nottingham currently due to delays caused by the #A52 #CliftonBridge emergency closure over the River Trent, so a quick thread to help explain why these sorts of things happen (and why we can expect more of them) 1/ Image
There are two bridges over the Trent at Clifton; the west bridge (on left in photo) opened in 1958. The east bridge (closed) opened in 1972. It is an unusual arrangement in that on the northbound A52, the lanes split with lane 1 using the west bridge & lane 2 using the east! 2/ Image
The west bridge is made of post-tensioned concrete and due to its age was strengthened in the late 90s due to over 25% of the tendons being corroded. Put simply, tendons are long steel strands fixed under tension to pull the bridge together 3/
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