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Jul 3rd 2020
1)On 26/06/20, LASBT East working with @WYP_East, obtained a 3-month Partial Closure Orders for 13 high rise blocks in the Burmantofts/Richmond Hill Ward, preventing anyone from entering unless visiting a resident or with permission from the council.
2)The order prevents access to all areas of the buildings including the foyer, lifts and stairwells. Any person attempting to enter the blocks without permission that attempts to access any of the high rise blocks could face further action, including through the courts.
3)The order was obtained following a rise in ASB within Cherry Court, Marston Mount, Lincoln, Spalding, Grantham & Boston Towers, Naseby Grange, Roxby Close & Cromwell Heights #Leeds #ASB #HighRiseNuisance #Closureorder
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