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Oct 25th 2022
@FutureHpodcast ] S02E28 - #MarcusMeindel zum Global #Commoning System #futureHistories | wie #JanGroos es schafft, an #Commonism interessiert zu sein und das BEDÜRFNIS nach #Körpersoziologie @der_streit zu befriedigen (so?)… via @PodcastAddict
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#Commonism #4r4r #TheLuhmannMap
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Dec 10th 2020
Dear VCs. If you are not investing in a portfolio that plausibly leads to a thriving world for your great great grandchildren, I am not interested in your opinion or your money. You're not only on the wrong side of history and you're on the wrong side of market trends
Here's the rub. What will a thriving world look like? This is not idle speculation. We have a single planet, with a unified biosphere. Apply Aldo Leopold's land ethic at scale. Any business that increases the health of the biosphere is good (investible).
Any business that decreases the health of the biosphere is bad (uninvestable). We may argue about politics, strategy, tactics and trends. However there is a global imperative, global boundaries, and global opportunity. Corporate ESG is already transforming fiduciary duty.
Read 8 tweets

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