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Oct 7th 2020
#Cottage47 This is a group of individuals that almost instantly became like family to me. We’re a hub of people coming together to be great. Raising mental health awareness through various expressions of creativity. Music , art , poetry etc .
I really genuinely urge you to bookmark what I’m about to share and give it a chance. Once you understand each individual, you’ll start to understand what we’re trying to do as a whole 🙏🏾
Here is a playlist that highlights the music that is being created.…
Read 15 tweets
Oct 7th 2020
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Amanda ! A.M to the AND A.
Middle name - Sihle
Owako - Ndlovu
(Intro thread)
Born and raised in Bulawayo ❤️ This is where I am now. Living out my childhood dream of being a lawyer. (I wanted to be one for as long as I can remember- I’ll do a thread on this journey later )
I’m a pretty chill person , can be very reserved but I believe in order to grow , you must constantly put yourself out of your comfort zone. For me this year , that was randomly creating a YouTube channel with my 2 sisters @skyeharrison_ & @banele_nd ❤️…
Read 8 tweets

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