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Oct 10th 2022
A shadowy timber mafia came to Guatemala in 2018 in search of precious timber when wood reserves in neighboring Mexico began to wane.

How does this logging work? We explain in today's #CriminalThread🧵👇
Step 1️⃣: Loggers enter nature reserves to find and chop down selected trees, bulldozing long stretches of forest in the process.
Step 2️⃣: The loggers transport the wood to nearby communities, where it is prepared for export in a process known as “wood laundering.”
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Aug 12th 2021
In Mexico, the fragmentation of large criminal organizations – due to internal conflicts, disputes and the arrests of key leaders – has resulted in a complex criminal panorama. In this #CriminalThread, we profile the new generation of criminal actors
La Línea emerged as the armed wing of the Juárez Cartel. Ever since its creation, however, the cell has acted as a semi-independent group involved in drug and timber trafficking and car theft in Chihuahua.
The Salazar are a family clan allied with the Sinaloa Cartel, primarily dedicated to producing and trafficking heroin. The group also acts as the cartel’s armed wing in the states of Sonora, Chihuahua and Baja California.
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Aug 11th 2021
Venezuelan gang boss El Koki has long ruled in Caracas’ sprawling urban district of Cota 905, throwing massive concerts while being one of the country’s most wanted criminals. In this #CriminalThread, we look at how he suddenly finds himself on the run. 🧶👇 Image
Three years ago, a short cell phone video showed Carlos Luis Revette, better known as El Koki, relaxed, partying in Cota 905. Though accused of a number of crimes, including homicide and drug trafficking, he had evaded an arrest warrant first issued in 2013.
Life was good for the gang leader in his stronghold where even police feared entering. This year, though, he made the mistake of invading the nearby La Vega neighborhood.
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Jun 2nd 2021
Last week the Swiss Bank Julius Baer admitted to laundering more than $36 million in bribes paid by sports marketing companies to soccer officials in exchange for broadcasting rights to soccer matches.

In this #CriminalThread, we look back on the FIFA corruption scandal.🧵👇⚽️
In 2015, US authorities unveiled a sweeping, years-long probe into corruption within the international soccer organization known as FIFA. Millions of dollars in bribes were paid in exchange for marketing and broadcast rights.
Several Latin American media giants were at the heart of the scandal. Between early 2013 and mid-2015, the Swiss bank admitted to conspiring with a range of sports marketing executives to launder multimillion-dollar bribes paid to them and others.
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