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#NCERT #Darwin #PeriodicTable #Evolution

Been reading the commotion about Periodic Table and Evolution moving to a later level in Primary/Secondary Education.

Overall the concern around this is exaggerated & shrill disappointing.

Lets take a step back & examine the issue.

In the Karnataka State Syllabus, for decades, Periodic Table was a touch & go in the high school. It was discussed very deep only in the 11/12 - PUC.

Have generations of students turned out dumb? Have they come superstitious? Are they confusing religious accounts for Science?

Has’nt the State championed the cause of Science, Technology? In particular, is not the average society more aware of Science & Tech?

Haven’t they even joined the bandwagon of Progress & Development?

Have they collapsed into some abyss from which they need to be uplifted?

Read 13 tweets
1/3. BJP’s Satya Pal Singh told parliament in 2018 that Darwin ‘s theory of evolution was wrong – as no one had seen ‘an ape turn into a man.’ True, but in India we’ve witnessed the reverse process in full swing for a while now. Shakes your faith in Darwin.
2/3. The primates in the ministry of education and the NCERT have now expunged Darwin from the school textbooks. They see no need to ape unproven western fashions and notions when they can play the ape far better than anyone else.
3/3. Feel slightly less upset about NCERT’s slashing my work from the textbooks now I’m in the company of Charles Darwin. Though, looking at the textbook tukde tukde gang running amok, it’s hard to accept that their species and I have a common ancestor.
Read 3 tweets
Let's try again (in the right order this time). Edward Hyde isn’t quite what he seems. A thread: 👇
🐍 From 'hissing' like a snake to 'snarling' like a wild animal, Stevenson evokes a sense of danger & taps into 19th-century theories on evolution. With references to troglodytes and apes, the novella explores fears of devolution and the animal within us. #Darwin #Evolution
The murder of Danvers Carew taps into Victorian society's fears of the lower classes. Hyde, representing the dangerous elements of London, clashes with Carew's upper-class demeanour, revealing a societal divide. #VictorianSociety #ClassStruggle
Read 8 tweets
I'm very excited to say my book "How #Kant Matters for #Biology" will soon be published! The thread below explains some of the key issues dealt with. I'm essentially resituating Kant in relation to biology, especially with key figures in the develop of biology in the in Britain. Image
Please get in touch if you want to review, I can help get the book out to journals relevant for you.
Links for the book:
University of Wales Press:
Chicago University Press:
Chapter 1 focuses on debates about Kant's influence on biology. I push back against how #influence tends to be understood in #philosophyofscience and argue that we need to recognise the importance of #misunderstanding - especially for Kant's philosophy. 1/10
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Heute ist internationaler #Darwin-Tag zu Ehren des Naturforschers!

Und tatsächlich entstand dieser Cartoon, als ich an der Unterrichtsvorbereitung zum Einstieg ins Thema Evolution gearbeitet habe. Denn: eines der offensichtlichsten Beispiele für die Mechanismen der Evolution … Ein grau-weißer Falter Falter sitzt auf einem Baumstamm und
… (hier: Mutation+Selektion durch Umweltveränderungen) ist der Birkenspanner. Dieser kommt im Normaltypus in der weißlich-grauen Variante vor, welche auf dem Stamm von Weißbirken hervorragend getarnt ist. Es gibt auch durch Mutation entstandene braune Arten, welche aber …
… von vorbeifliegenden Vögeln schnell entdeckt und vom Stamm gepickt werden. Daher existiert in Birkenspannerpopulationen fast nur die helle Variante. Im Laufe der industriellen Revolution in Großbritannien lag in manchen Gebieten allerdings so viel Ruß in der Luft, dass …
Read 6 tweets
"In The Descent of Man (1871), #Darwin suggested that #Africa was the most likely evolutionary homeland for humans because it was the continent where our closest relatives, the African apes, could be found today. However, it was to be many years before the fossil (1/5)
evidence that was ultimately to prove him right began to be discovered. Before then, #Europe with the Neanderthals, “Heidelberg Man,” and the spurious “Piltdown Man,” and #Asia with “Java Man,” were the foci of scientific attention concerning human ancestry. But the 1921 (2/5)
discovery of the Broken Hill skull in what is now #Zambia, and the 1924 discovery of the Taung skull (from South Africa), started the process that gave Africa its paramount importance in the story of human evolution, even if that process still had many years to run. By (3/5)
Read 5 tweets
Back in 2019, we finished an UG project creating a timeline of #HVDC projects 🌎🌍🌏 and also added the what was then the newly proposed 🇦🇺🇸🇬 #suncable project.

This just looked at one aspect (the most technically challenging of all ⁉️) the undersea cable.

I also wrote a (very short) article for the #VSC #HVDC newsletter that @OfficialUoM Prof. Mike Barnes was editing on the news coming out of Australia

Here are some figures that might help put the #suncable project in context.

2/x Image
*These are from 2020 when the project was the Australia - Singapore Power Link (ASPL) and part of Yihong Li's UG thesis @eetunsw

1. Cable Length vs Capacity. The 2 🟢at ~1400MW are the ~700km, 515kV & 525 kV 🇬🇧🇩🇰& 🇬🇧🇳🇴projects commonly used as comparison

3/x Image
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🚨#Darwin-ians (like followers of Copernicus in another field) are Satanists and have always rejected the Creation but it's never meant that the #Owen-ians were right, they had to continue their research until U, the "Thomas", brought the irrefutable proof of the Creation
since you are skeptical and only believe what you can see and hear ("Those who have eyes, let them see ; those who have ears, let them hear") and therefore your goal was to collect all the clues proving the Creation and come back to the Creator...
leading the people from "I believe" to " I know". And what you name "Satanism" led with Terrorism (the Modern Inquisition controlling people), is your own reflection... that you can't stand any longer and want to erase since it harms you now ...
Read 23 tweets
I am simple middle class retailer and have been an Indian equity investor since 2017.

Will share my strategy - how i selected my portfolio coffee can stocks.

I am still learning and evolving.
Let's see with an example.

First site is screener and scientific screens .…
Sales growth 5Years >10 AND

Average return on equity 5Years > 20 AND

Average return on capital employed 5Years > 20 AND
Market Capitalization > 1000 AND
Return over 5years >20% AND
Profit growth 5Years >15 AND
Promoter holding>50
Read 24 tweets

🧬 Con gran alegría, les comento que mi libro sobre neodarwinismo y evolucionismo cristiano ya se encuentra disponible en versión digital vía Amazon (
🏫 Esperaba este momento con ansias dado que este tópico me apasiona. No por nada fue el tema de mi Licenciatura en Filosofía.
📩 También se encuentra disponible la versión física con envíos a todo el país y el exterior. Esta versión es la que posee un color amarillo en la tapa.
Read 9 tweets
🚨Sovereign citizens are often treated silly and slightly amusing distractions in court, but they do pose a very real danger.
A 50-year-old #NT woman has been charged with child abduction as police continue to investigate the disappearance of 5y/o and her mum. 🧵
A #Darwin sovereign citizen and alleged child kidnapper said she felt safer behind bars after making accusations against high profile cops, judges and politicians.
Police allege 50-year-old Juliet Oldroyd kidnapped 5y/o Grace Hughes from #Darwin on Sunday.
Grace was allegedly taken by her mum, 34-year-old Laura Hinks and Oldroyd during a supervised parental visit.
Neither mum or bub have been seen since. @TheNTNews…
Read 4 tweets
🧵 Tonight's SFI Community Lecture by 2x Miller Scholar @Andrea_Wulf begins in just a few minutes!

Follow this thread for the streaming link and highlights from the talk. (Sorry, but this recording will not be available to view afterward...)
Talk starts now with an intro by SFI Prof @C4_Computation:

Q - Flack: "Some of you might wonder how a talk on Humboldt connects to #ComplexityScience."

A - Humboldt: "Knowledge of the chain of connection....the perception of these relations."
Who was #AlexanderVonHumboldt?

"A man who was so restless he said he was chased by 10,000 pigs... He spent his entire inheritance on a five-year voyage of South America. They called him 'The Shakespeare of the Sciences.'"
- @andrea_wulf
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#Solstice #Sunrise at the Barrow - a meditation on time, what litte, we know of #AngloSaxon "#Litha", and on what #livinghistory #history and #archaeology is truly "for". 🧵 Image
Very early yesterday morning members Æd and AlexP travelled to @SoultonHall @SacredStonesLtd Soulton Long Barrow to experience a unique moment in the solar calendar which, though concerned with the reckoning of time, is essentially universal and #timeless. 1/32
The Midsummer Solstice has always been a significant moment in the year, across many cultures, as far back as deep #prehistory. In Britain our landscape is dotted with #stoneage #neolithic and #bronzeage #prehistoric monuments which bear witness to this. 2/32 Image
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Come promesso, oggi parliamo delle molte cose dette da #MoniOvadia, persona degnissima, contro la quale non ho nulla, che interviene molto circa #Russia e #Ucraina e che dovrebbe documentarsi meglio, perché molte cose che dice sono imprecise e parziali.
vediamo insieme perché
la sua pessima opinione sull'informazione italiana, in parte fondata, non gli impedisce però di presenziare giornalmente a trasmissioni come #lariachetira, dove esprime opinioni su cose che conosce evidentemente in parte.
ad esempio parla dei curdi:
1) le armi ai #curdi le abbiamo giustamente mandate, dal 2014 al 2018, USA, Germania, Italia, Svezia hanno armato i curdi dell'YPG, proprio quelli aggrediti da #Erdogan
Non mi ricordo di nessuno che dicesse che questo avrebbe "allungato la guerra".…
Read 15 tweets
It's good to be back! Follow this thread for the video stream & live coverage of tonight's first SFI Community Lecture at @TheLensic in two years, featuring @Sara_Imari on the #physics of living #systems.
And stay tuned for an extraordinary lineup of additional talks this year...
Live stream starts in one minute!
SFI's @ChrisKempes introduces tonight's speaker @Sara_Imari (@sfiscience, @beyond_asu) by quoting #HaroldMorowitz about how, to find life beyond Earth, we must understand the *origins* of life...
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Après la randonnée, passons à la #plongée pour voir si l'évolution ne serait pas le meilleur des processus d'#optimisation. Pas de généralisation"la nature, c'est mieux", les formules "dame nature", "à voulu", autre joyeuseté ne seront donc que des tournures poétiques. #DarwinWin Hammer shark skull by x-ray
Les #sphyrnidae (ou requins marteaux) sont une famille #poisson qui, vous le savez peut-être déjà, a l'originalité de ne pas être profilé comme les autres. Une tête plate, comme d'autre #requin, mais large formant un T caractéristique.
Les biologistes nous affirment que cette forme permet un meilleur #odorat et les yeux aux extrémités du T une meilleure #vue. Je traduis à ma façon :

+ de place pour les capteurs #optiques, #nociceptifs et #électromagnétiques (grâce aux ampoules de #Lorenzini).

Read 20 tweets
We're about to start our live session, 'Planetary and Climate Health' with experts from @UTAS_ @UTAS_MPH, @ANUPopHealth @scienceANU and @DeakinHealth @Deakin. We'll live tweet #AustPH2021 Screenshot of program for plenary session 3.
First presenter is Prof Fay Johnson (UTAS) who is explaining safer air for public health in Australia, and fire. How we use fire determines everything else. #AustPH2021 screenshots of slides by Prof Johnsonscreenshots of slides by Prof Johnson shows domestic, indust
Just like the west of Nth America, we are getting more fires, means more air pollution, and fires in places that never used to burn, eg Tasmanian rainforests, Prof Johnson says. #AustPH2021 present and future on a slide showing fires
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0/Fui a las 🏝#Islas #Galápagos🐢 para una semana

me quede 1️⃣5️⃣ días

Y ahí seguiría, si pudiera 🤿

▶️Esto es lo que vi/viví/escuché y aprendí

Relato ilustrado (con el 📲#mojo) de un #viaje que te mete en una

burbuja de🦎#naturaleza #conservación #sostenibilidad #animales🦈
1/La burbuja crece mientras asciende

estalla al contacto con su objetivo

Desde el fondo del #mar, quien la ha lanzado desafía al bañista

Sube, gira sobre si mismo y vuelve a la carga

Sonríe para la foto. Amaga con tragarse la camara

Después, se va. Ágil y veloz. Como llegó
2/Es la rutina bajo el agua

Te sumerges y aparecen

Te meten en su burbuja. Te sacan de la realidad

Se está bien ahí. El mundo no pesa Image
Read 69 tweets
Alors puisqu’on nous bassine avec LA solution ultime qu’est la #vaccination, j’ai décidé de faire un petit #Thread sur une notion toute simple magistralement démontrée par #Darwin. Pourtant, déjà à l’époque, la sélection naturelle fut largement dénigrée, particulièrement... 1/12
dans la communauté scientifique. Donc voici quelques explications pour les nuls, que même #Macron devrait arriver à comprendre.
Un agriculteur a un champ de blé et il s’aperçois un jour qu’il est envahi par des ravageurs. Pas de panique, il sort les bidons de pesticides...2/12
et va faire la peau à ces sales bestioles. Et pour faire bonne mesure, il met l’ultradose. Victoire ! Le produit miracle éradique 96% de la vermine.
Malheureusement les 4% restant de bestioles, qui étaient très minoritaires dans la population des ravageurs, 3/12
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Can data science overcome quantitative finance in terms of employment and salary?
Well, I think you are asking a relevant question.

It can be explained using a Social Darwinian Perspective.
First, the Simple answer =>

YES =>
Quantitative Finance will get absorbed into Data Sciences and Machine Learning Areas as a sub-field.

Read 13 tweets

Uno de los lugares más especiales de la #geología peninsular, la zona #volcánica de #Olot (#Garrotxa, #Girona), recibió en el verano de 1830 la visita de uno de los grandes referentes de la #geología moderna (va #hilo👇).

#geosites #geology
1- Pues sí, quizá no se trate de los más espectaculares del mundo, pero ¿cuántas ciudades conocéis cuyo casco urbano se extiendan a los pies de tres #volcanes? #Lyell debió considerarlo también notorio y llegado el momento quiso comprobarlo en persona.
2- #CharlesLyell (1797-1875) nació precisamente en #Escocia el mismo año en que moría otro gran geólogo de la época, el escocés #JamesHutton. Una curiosa coincidencia, como la existente entre #Galileo (1564-1642) y #Newton (1642-1727). Casualidades…!
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1/ 🧵🎥 Chronic Pain

#Pain comes in all shapes & sizes. Let’s explore how we process pain. Watch & Listen to what Anderson Cooper tells Stephen Colbert about #grief and #suffering: “You can’t have happiness without having loss and suffering.”
2/ My lucid & kind patient (pic w written perm) uses scalding water as a coping mechanism for abdominal pain from pancreatitis. He wants to share his rationale.

#MedTwitter #ChronicPain #nurse
3/ Before I share what he told me, I first want to make my mindset as his #physician clear: My first job is to believe in him. Then to understand him. Then to devise a plan to help him.
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Llevaba un tiempo queriendo hacer un hilillo, y qué mejor que mostrando pruebas y argumentos para que podáis rebatir a los testigos de Jehová que llaman a vuestra puerta.

Let's gooo!
La evolución parece obvia ahora, pero sin embargo, hace un tiempo esto no era tan fácil de ver.
Para ver esta evolución, necesitábamos ver a las #especies cambiar con nuestros propios ojos, y eso era tremendamente difícil.
Para nuestra percepción, las especies son estáticas y no cambian con el tiempo, o al menos eso nos parece...😬 Los únicos organismos que podemos ver realmente "evolucionar" en vida son microscópicos, y lo que realmente cambia no es su aspecto (que también), si no su #ADN.
Read 19 tweets

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