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Oct 28th 2022
Today is the 1,000th consecutive day that I’ve worked out.

It might sound crazy, but it’s actually been pretty simple.

Here’s how you can build a workout habit that lasts: Image
1,000 days ago..

I was the weakest, and most out of shape I’ve ever been.

Two years prior, I’d left a life in hoops to build a company.

Everyone said failure was inevitable.

For me, that wasn’t an option.

So, a lifetime of working out..

Soon morphed into nothing but work...
Failing constantly in a new world..

I neglected the one thing I’d always had under control;

My fitness.

Naturally, I convinced myself that I didn’t care.

In reality, I was hiding from the shame of how far I’d fallen.

I could sit in self-pity, or I could take the first step.
Read 21 tweets
Jul 20th 2022
Today marks 900 consecutive days that I’ve worked out.

In the process, I dropped 17lbs and regained fitness levels of my 20’s.

It might sound crazy, but it’s actually been relatively simple.

Here’s how you can do it too:
First a quick background..

4.5 years ago, after 10+ years in basketball, I was at the top of my profession.

So, I did what any crazy person would do..

I left it all behind;

Heading west for Silicon Valley, and an unknown tech startup.
That 1st year was really hard.

I worked from the time I woke up, until I went to bed.

Many days not leaving our basement office til midnight.

I experienced the lowest lows of my life,

..and I was failing constantly in an unfamiliar world.

As a result, I quit working out.
Read 16 tweets
Jan 1st 2022
Today marks 700 consecutive days checking in for my #DailyDeposit workout ritual.

In the process I’ve dropped 17lbs, and regained fitness levels of my early 20’s.

It might sound crazy, but it’s actually been relatively simple…
First a quick background..

4 years ago, after 10+ yrs in sports—with the @chicagobulls & @BoilerBall—I was at the top of my profession.

So, I did what any crazy person would do..

I left it all behind;

Heading west for Silicon Valley & @futurefitapp - an unknown tech startup.
That 1st year was really hard.

I worked from the time I woke up, until I went to bed.

Most days not leaving our basement office til nearly midnight.

I experienced the lowest lows of my life, and was failing constantly in an unfamiliar world.

As a result, I quit working out.
Read 18 tweets
Nov 28th 2020
Today marks 300 consecutive days checking in for my #DailyDeposit workout ritual.

In the process I’ve dropped 17lbs and regained fitness levels of my early 20’s

It might sound crazy, but it’s actually been relatively simple.

Who’s up for a thread?

1/ First a quick background..

3 years ago, after 10+ yrs in sports - w/ the @chicagobulls & @BoilerBall - I was at the top of my profession.

So I did what any crazy person would do and left it all behind, heading west for Silicon Valley and @futurefitapp an unknown tech startup
2/ That 1st year was really hard. I worked from the time I woke up, until I went to bed. Most days not leaving our basement office til nearly midnight.

I experienced the lowest lows of my life & was failing constantly in an unfamiliar world.

As a result, I quit working out.
Read 14 tweets

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