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Jun 12th 2022
Listen up everyone, let me tell you why it is very important that this Peter Obi movement is successful.

It returns power to we the people.

It means that every other politician, who aspires to the highest office in the land, will have to start to show all workings, in order
to have the backing of the people.

It means, that we have the power to continually decide who becomes our president going forward; enshrining equity, justice, fairness, competence, & credibility.

It means that we can dare to dream of a Seyi Makinde presidency in the future,
made possible by the sheer will of the people.

It means that we will no longer care about political parties, but care about whoever is the best candidate at the time, irrespective of what party they belong to.

This movement is iconic, & should not be taken lightly.
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