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Jan 10th 2021
“Internet censorship” is too vague of a term. It doesn’t make sense to say you oppose all “internet censorship” & to pretend like all speech on the internet is the same. Fascism leads to genocide. White nationalists must be deplatformed. #NoSafeSpaceForNazis #DeplatformFascists
Fascists are dangerous; they’re too far gone to be reasoned with. Don’t debate Nazis; DESTROY them. They will only propagandize & recruit more fascists when they are platformed. Their numbers will grow. They will gain more power. Leftists are supposed to be antifascists.
Fascists are never actually trying to debate anyone in good faith. Again, they must be deplatformed. These are the “true believer” white nationalist types I’m talking about. These are the QAnon/MAGA folks, and yes, they are Nazis, even if you have a hard time seeing them this way
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