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Most recents (4)

Sep 26th 2020
If we don't get the #DharmaIPLaw enacted in India, the #ConversionMafia is set to steal every possible symbol and art of Dharmic culture.

If you want to avoid the fate of Roman and Greek culture for our Dharma, #SleepingHindus, wake up now!
It's not just classical music that is getting digested. Classical dance forms of India are also fast getting digested! #DharmaIPLaw
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Sep 21st 2020
Past behavior and actions dictate present behavior and actions. The #ConversionMafia has successfully appropriated Greco-Roman culture which led to insurmountable losses in Europe for centuries. They will do the same to our Vedic culture unless we ask for a #DharmaIPLaw now!
See the same thing that happened to Greco-Roman culture happenning in India as well.

#SleepingHindus do not be delusional. History repeats itself for those who have not learnt from it!

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Sep 13th 2020
Malaysia has outlawed IP infraction of the #ConversionMafia who've used Islamic ref. like using "Allah" for God in the local Bible versions.

If Malaysia can do that, why can't India pass the #DharmaIPLaw & ban words like-

1. Veda
2. Parameshwar
3. Abhishek

from the Bible
Here's a timeline of how this battle played out in Malaysia. They've the reverse of the reservation policy in India. They protect the majority -Every Muslim is a "Bhumi-Putra" and provide 'em with extra benefits.

Our Govt apparatus is out to hurt Hindus! How then can we survive?
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Sep 10th 2020
The late (not-so great) Ravi Zacharias ran a spa named "Jivan" spa, which offered Ayurveda and taught Yoga. He took our Dharma IP and wanted to make profit off of it to further his ministry! This in addition to molesting female employees of the spa…
All the more reason we need a #DharmaIPLaw. Our Dharma is NOT FOR PROFIT by the #ConversionMafia
NOTE: This comes from a Christian blog. Notice how the author refers to our traditions as demonic? These bloody snakes, when they are not maligning our dharma, are stealing it and appropriating it as their own. We need a #DharmaIPLaw now!
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