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Jul 23rd 2020
DIOS MIO From a Bereft Latino
-Kirk Acevedo

Question? Why can’t a Latino save the world? Why can’t a Latino woo and win the girl? Why can’t a Latino ever hold the keys to the magic kingdom? Find the cure for cancer. Be the star who owns the cute dog in a rom/com?
I’ve played or have been offered
so many of the same three parts.
It’s like this, onscreen I will either
and then eventually die in the end.
The mundane sameness is soul numbing for an artist.
I mean hand to God I don’t know how many times I can play dying differently.
(I’ve died 19 times on screen💀🔪)
Truly, my reel that gets sent out to producers and studios is like, “Here’s me dying in a blue shirt, here’s me dying in a green shirt...”
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