Question? Why can’t a Latino save the world? Why can’t a Latino woo and win the girl? Why can’t a Latino ever hold the keys to the magic kingdom? Find the cure for cancer. Be the star who owns the cute dog in a rom/com?
I’ve played or have been offered
so many of the same three parts.
It’s like this, onscreen I will either
and then eventually die in the end.
The mundane sameness is soul numbing for an artist.
I mean hand to God I don’t know how many times I can play dying differently.
(I’ve died 19 times on screen💀🔪)
Truly, my reel that gets sent out to producers and studios is like, “Here’s me dying in a blue shirt, here’s me dying in a green shirt...”
And then when I’m not trying to
rob, rape or kill you,
(again onscreen, to clarify)
I’m your loyal, God fearing, Latino best friend! The guy who never comes up with the idea to solve the problem but the one who helps the hero with his brilliant plan.
Which usually entails
me looking loyal and edgy all the while having to emasculate myself
to make the hero appear more heroic.🙄
I remember telling producers once
where I spent most of my onscreen
time answering the phone,
I said, “You realize you have a shark riding a tricycle, don’t you?”
It was a momentary giggle like I’d just told a funny joke.
Nothing changed.
Nothing ever does.
I can’t help it that in real life I’mma
motherfucka that can get shit done!
I was born that way. You grow up in the South Bronx in the 70’s and 80’s you have to learn a certain skill set very quickly or survival will not be an option.
You grew up with your feet to the fire and your head barely above water. What’s that about a person getting good at whatever they practice? Plug that in here.
(Already groomed to be a heroic leader from birth!)
Not since 2001 in Spy Kids when Robert Rodriguez wrote and directed that huge hit movie has a Latino family saved
the world. That’s almost 20 years kids. Astonishing given how many Latinos make up the economics of movie going demographics.
Latinos represent 1/5th of the
U.S. population and about
25% of all moviegoers in the
United States.
AND YET our representation in the entertainment industry is at 3%.
(That’s Actors, Grips, Directors, etc)
Someone once told me,
“Skillz pay the bills!”
This is not true. Doesn’t matter
how skilled you are if there aren't enough parts for Latinos.
Not only do we have to fight a racist
president for inclusion and equality
in our own country, but that same fight exists in Hollywood.
Listen, the crux of my complaint is about the one dimensional parts that are normally offered to us and the lack of opportunities for Latinos in ALL facets of production.
Is it too much to ask to have more Latinos on film and TV and be number one on that damn call sheet?
So back to my question, why can’t a Latino play someone who saves the world, who empowers the people, uplifts its' culture instead of perpetuating false stereotypes?
I can’t speak for all my Latino brothers and sisters but I’m pretty sure they’re like me, tired of robbing and raping or happily agreeing with the white lead and handing him his keys.
I do blame this late night introspection on the Covid crisis. Because every night for almost five months now, I watch a movie with my daughter. And I realized how under represented we are as a people. And with my daughter eyeing a possible career in entertainment in the future...
I want to offer her more than
was offered to me. If she can’t
ever see her Dad save the world that’s okay, but maybe there’s still hope for her and her generation.
All those kids with stars in their eyes coming up behind me.
And if it doesn’t work out that way I just really needed written testimony that I spoke up for us all.
Because we deserve better!
Why can’t a Latino save the fucking world?!
On September 11 they started asking for help with the recovery efforts for the missing. What they didn’t specify is that they needed iron and metal workers etc not random people like me to help. BUT I went down anyway with my 2 best friends.
Was around 8pm as we walked downtown.
Passing by South Street Seaport it looked like it was snowing from all the ash & debris from the towers. Ash was at least 2 inches thick on the ground 4 blocks.
We made our way past the Wall Street Bull which was also covered in Ash.
Joe Manchin & his daughter Heather Bresch ex CEO of Mylan the maker of the Epipen, is what is completely wrong with our country & American politics.
Senator Manchin’s own daughter priced gouged a life saving drug by 500%.
How does a Senator explain this to his constituents?
Heather Bresch raised the price of a drug that saves lives. Some of those lives he’s supposed to represent in congress. His daughter received millions in bonuses from Mylan for raising Epipen costs.
How can a parent raise this child & be proud of her actions?
My daughter has severe nut allergies & has used Epipens her whole life. She used one as recently as December, two weeks after her birthday.
She had yogurt that unfortunately had almond milk in it. The epipen didn’t work & she passed out on the bathroom floor white as a ghost.
For the love of our country, can you please just STFU and walk away while you’re ahead.
You’ve evaded impeachment,
Sedition, rape, perjury, tax evasion and Vietnam just to name a few.
Your lack of action in dealing with the coronavirus has also lead to the death of almost 300,000 Americans and counting.
You might as well add Negligent Homicide to your list of crimes.
Seems like Felonious Trump should’ve been your God given name! #FeloniousTrump
You’ve done nothing but divide our country and the world in your 4 years in office. Our allies no longer ally with us and our enemies no longer fear us.
The division you’ve created has
spread to every corner of this country. Like an abscess diseased and infested with MAGATS.