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Feb 12th 2023
#4ContsFigure Pairs Press Conference
#RikuMiura/#RyuichiKihara: We were quite nervous coming into the comp due to the altitude, but despite the small misses, they were so happy that they were able to win the gold medal.
#EmilyChan: It was a really special moment for us to be able to go out there and connect the way we did. We're both very happy to be able to put it together and have confidence in each other and ourselves today
Read 25 tweets
Feb 10th 2023
#4ContsFigure pairs SP press conference ✨
How does everyone feel about today's performance:

#RikuMiura/#RyuichiKihara - It wasn't the best performance but we got the level we were aiming for. Our goal was to be in the press conference. We are very happy and want to come to a strong performance
#DeannaStellato/#MaximeDeschamps - Not thrilled with the throw and sbs spin. They did some changes and were happy to perform it before worlds. Aiming for an upwards trajectory since Deanna's sickness from Nationals
Read 11 tweets

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