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Feb 3rd 2021
I think I need to say, in this politically fraught environment, that my aspirations of socialism and anarchism are just that--goals to strive towards, with small steps and large leaps, depending on many indices and perhaps unexpected conditions. In other words (thread)
I am not a purist. I think it is often worthwhile to notice and comment on contradictory behavior, but I also tend to pick my battles, and consider the damage when such a comment may humiliate a comrade. The goal may be over the horizon but it matters how we get there. Leftists
tend to be good at the circular firing squad, but it's time to move forward with all anti-fascists at this time, particularly as the Senate tries Trump and the details of the #EpiphanyPutsch come out. Our democracy is very limited, and I really don't care all that much about
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