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Aug 21st 2020
@Franklin_Graham @DemConvention Anyone who claims the DNC reflected "the absence of God" is a liar, spiritually blind, unfamiliar with what the face of God looks like, or only watched clips from #FakesNewsChannel.

You better study up on some Matthew 25:31-45 before you embarrass your #XINO self any further. /1
@Franklin_Graham @DemConvention I felt DEEPLY blessed by the thread of faith, hope and love that was woven through the personal stories of almost every person depicted: answered prayer, trust, hope, and the strength to persevere that comes from a lifetime of leaning on the everlasting arms. /2

@Franklin_Graham @DemConvention You ought to be ashamed of yourself for the whole host of Ninth and Tenth Commandment violations it takes to support DJT.

The absence of God convention is next week, designed for folks easily fooled by snake oil salesmen who cry "Lord, Lord" but have no relationship with him. /3
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