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Feb 9th 2023
"I think it's sweet" Frenchie declared. "the idea that some people just /belong/ with each other, that they always find each other."
"'S fucking absurd is what it is," Iz sneered.
"Aww c'mon Iz, you don't think the idea of fated loves is at least a little romantic?"
"I'm a pirate," Iz replied dryly, "fate has no power over me."
"So you think in other universes we aren't together?" Stede sounded hurt.
"Fuck are you talking about, Bonnet?"
"Well it's fate that brought us together!"
Ed wondered if it was bad the way his heart swelled at the
snort of derision Izzy gave their boyfriend. "Fuck off. Wasn't fate you git it was the tides & winds & shipping lanes & the fact that your moronic self couldn't tell a hawser from a hole in the ground! So I guess if you consider your idiocy fate maybe it is to blame." Ed snorted
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