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Mar 16th 2023
#KrisKinnear is said by @DonBraid to be working on flarepit and abandoned well policy in the Premier's Calgary office.

He's unqualified & potentially dangerous - a lobbyist.

Illegal and unsafe use of plunger lifts in oil wells impressed him greatly:
In an Alberta Enterprise Group video, Danielle Smith interviews Kinnear on the #RStarScam. Kinnear feels small companies are able to do what large companies cannot. He talks about a welder (Tim Reeves) purchasing wells and using plunger lift (17:50)
Tim Reeves purchased numerous wells in the Olds/Didsbury area for $1.00 each because they were shut in due to high oil gas ratio rules - produced too much oil well solution (natural) gas that needed to be conserved (by pipeline) instead of being flared on site. List below:
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