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Mar 16th 2023
#KrisKinnear is said by @DonBraid to be working on flarepit and abandoned well policy in the Premier's Calgary office.

He's unqualified & potentially dangerous - a lobbyist.

Illegal and unsafe use of plunger lifts in oil wells impressed him greatly:
In an Alberta Enterprise Group video, Danielle Smith interviews Kinnear on the #RStarScam. Kinnear feels small companies are able to do what large companies cannot. He talks about a welder (Tim Reeves) purchasing wells and using plunger lift (17:50)
Tim Reeves purchased numerous wells in the Olds/Didsbury area for $1.00 each because they were shut in due to high oil gas ratio rules - produced too much oil well solution (natural) gas that needed to be conserved (by pipeline) instead of being flared on site. List below:
3/n Image
Read 9 tweets
Mar 16th 2023
#KrisKinnear stars as a landowner with a problem flare pit in this short film, an advertisement for #RStar.

@DonBraid⁩ column states that Kinnear is “Smith’s special projects manager who works on policy for flare pits and abandoned wells”.
#RStar lobby:

“He (like Smith) was a lobbyist around that issue. According to the premier, he quit that position in October …But the NDP produced a registry document listing him as a director of Sustaining Alberta’s Energy Network, a non-profit.”
It’s also well documented that Sustaining Alberta’s Energy Network (SAEN) raised money for UCP candidates and that Kinnear was involved in Smith’s leadership campaign.

Is this why he’s working on flarepit and abandoned well policy?
Read 5 tweets
Feb 12th 2023

To continue #RStar’s belated, well-deserved thrashing, and given LMIP pilot program focus on 4,300 old flare pits as per @ABDanielleSmith, I’ll focus on gas flaring/venting this week.

A🔥hot topic🔥near and dear to my heart (as Premier said about RStar)! +
From the pit built partially off site (trespass) and illegally operated on family urban lands, to illegal gas venting by the welder Tim Reeves that Kluless #KrisKinnear thought was cool new technology, to well site areas too small by law for flaring, I’ll cover the 🔥 issues. +
Maybe save a life, Definitely I’ll alert landowners by the thousands that they are owed some big money related to these unsafe and illegal operations.

People/candidates need Real Talk that industry & Regulator don’t provide.

🔥 The Premier opened a hot can of worms 🔥 +
Read 4 tweets
Feb 10th 2023
[1] Statements made by Premier Smith in her presser on Feb. 9, related to the boonodoggle formerly known as R-Star, indicate that she is either misinformed, being purposely misleading, or both. Video at 6:40. +

[2] Asked a question about proposed royalty reduction in return for well closure program / drilling incentive pilot project, Smith replies by referring to changes to environmental standards that have nothing whatsoever to do with the inactive wells & flare pits targeted. +
[3] She says nobody wants to take on the liability associated with some 4,500 old pre-1980 flare pits. Duh! This is akin to saying nobody wants to take on the burden of making mortgage payments so let's buy all our political supporters expensive houses! +
Read 14 tweets

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