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Mar 9th 2022
The government refused yet again to #FixTheDigitalStatus yesterday in the House of Lords, causing needless suffering to the most vulnerable. Ignoring countless calls to provide physical proof to EU citizens is wrong. We need to see meaningful engagement now.
Peers debated #Amendment79 of the #NationalityAndBordersBill to give physical proof of immigration status. Unfortunately there were not enough votes in support at the late hour it was debated. This problem isn't going away and we need the govt to address it.
Thank you to all of you who have raised your voices and demanded for the government to #FixTheDigitalStatus by writing to peers. Your stories have been heard loud and clear.
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Mar 1st 2022
📢 NEW CAMPAIGN. It's time to ask the government to #FixTheDigitalStatus.

✍️ Write to members of the House of Lords, who NEXT WEEK will discuss an amendment asking for physical proof of immigration status.

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Lack of physical proof of our immigration status continues to be one of our most pressing issues.

The solution is simple: a system based on QR codes, similar to the Covid-19 vaccination certificates, making life easier for millions of people.…
From 5th April 2022, even more people will be affected, with the digital-only approach being expanded to ALL migrants in the UK.
Read 8 tweets

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