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Sep 23rd 2020
This is what a movement looks like. We must not give up, the best revenge is vict'ry. I Nov 3rd we will vote #BidenHarris2020 we'll flip the Senate, keep the House, then we we'll start to reverse the damage, save the ACA, fix the loopholes so this never happens again, 1/3
None of it can be done if we don't take the presidency and the senate.. Of course the House matters too because that's where our laws are written & passed to go forward to the Senate and signed into law by the President. 2/3
bc of McConnell&the dysfunction of the Senate as well as the corruption of trump & disregard for the ACTUAL 'rule of law', many of us have forgotten how this actually works. We must never forget,we must fight on!
#FixTheSenate #EyeOnThePrize
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