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May 25th 2023
So what I have been doing in #Besançon this past week you might ask? Well, let me tell you a journey of one manuscript copy of Flavio Biondo's Decades. A thread 🧵 1/

#AbInclinatione #bookhistory #FlavioBiondo
Ms. 855 in Bibliothèque d'étude et conservation in Besançon is a copy of Biondo's first decade, i.e. it encompasses yrs c. 400-800 of the Late Roman Empire. 2/ Image
Due to its script being southern (semi)textualis (or Rotunda), its origin is most likely in the Italian peninsula. It was made ante 1482 due to a colophon in the end, saying it once belonged to the widow of master Jean L'Orfèvre. This widow (Gillette) died in 1482. 3/ Image
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