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Nov 28th 2021
I truly do not understand the fuss about having fancy cookware? Amber & I use our @AllClad pans & #Shun knives daily. Not cheap, but they are tools to create meals. We have larger issues for everyday Americans than what we cook in. #FoodInsecurity causes many to NOT EAT.#FlipWA03
@AllClad You can't buy cookware with an EBT card. You can't buy pre-cooked food with it either. You can buy ingredients. Does NO ONE SEE THIS PROBLEM??? People want to complain about how people use their SNAP benefits, but we do not make sure they have the TOOLS to use them. #FlipWA03
@AllClad Give me some onions, carrots, a chuck roast, some beef stock, and seasonings; with the tools we have pot roast for dinner. Without the tools (pans, knives, fuel for cooking) you have raw food. We must address the #FoodInsecurity and make sure those in need can prepare their food!
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