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Sep 3rd 2021
SA is a Corporatocracy not Democracy
Confessions Of The Economic Hitman
Corporates control the mainstream media
They control politicians because they financed the CR17Campain,now they busy maximizing profit,they are not elected
They manipulate policies
Governments implement corporatocracy policies

Working with the banks,corporatocracy controls the media & politicians,use them as their messengers to communicate their evil plans

Citizens believed Zuma captured the state that's captured,run,controlled and owned by corporatocracy
*The ignorant enslaved kleva-blacks believe Zuma captured the state

*Government takes loans it can't repay from IMF,R500billion that was looted in 3moths,
*now selling SOEs to Corporatocracy for nothing ,
*ANC bankrupt , can't pay staff salaries
Read 5 tweets
Jul 29th 2021
The contract between Pfizer and the government for supply of covid vaccine. #FreePresidentZuma
#FreeNgizweMchunu #FreeJacobZumaNow
So you're probably asking yourself, why should I care about what the agreement between Pfizer and government entails?

Well, this isn't the contract for renovation of government offices, it's a procurement of novel substance to be injected into your bodies, that's a reason enough
These contracts appear to be the same for all governments around the world that have entered into this agreement with Pfizer.
This was confirmed by former Pfizer head of Brazil and Latin America, Carlos Murillo. #FreePresidentZuma #FreeNgizweMchunu
Read 18 tweets
Jul 29th 2021
A lot of you have heard people talking about the Nuremberg Code, but what is the Nuremberg code, and what role does it play in as far as Covid-19 vaccines are concerned. #FreeJacobZuma
#FreePresidentZuma #FreeNgizweMchunu
Before we delve into the Nuremberg code, let's look into the history of some of the previous vaccines as well as the time frames taken for their development. #FreeNgizweMchunu #FreePresidentZuma
Now it's important to note that there was Nuremberg trial first which started in 1945-1949, various war crime perpetrators were prosecuted at this trial, but we are only gonna narrow our focus on medical prosecutions in which 23 doctors were tried, only 7 were acquitted. #ngizwe
Read 20 tweets

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