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Jun 13th 2020
#MuslimBrotherhood-linked #CAIR lobby group listed as a terror entity by the #UAE, is suing a professor in AZ (among other) for using my book #FutureJihad as 1 of the references to his lectures. This flagrant assault on the 1st Amd is a political version of medieval book burning.
#CAIR smears me, using an #Ikhwan slander, describes me as "a known #Islamophobe who openly promotes anti-Muslim ideologies." I am a well known critic of #MuslimBrotherhood ideologies not of religion, in defense of a majority of Arabs and Muslims against Jihadism and Khomeinism.
#CAIR used (again) a @NYTimes smear against me in 2012 claiming "I warn against Shariah Law," while I do not refer to any theology in my public statements, but only to Jihadi & Khomeinist ideologies. I have warned & continue, against indoctrination promoted by CAIR like lobbies.
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