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Apr 10th 2022
My Resources for GPSC (CLASS-1,2)
For prelims-
1. NCERTs and spectrum for history
2. NCERTs for geography
3. Current affairs for environment
4. Class 6 to 10 science books (NCERT)
5. Lakshmikanth for polity
6. NCERT and sriram book for economics
7. Current affairs last 6 months from vision IAS
8. Solving insights quiz
9. Attempt atleast 10 mock papers

For mains-
1. Read newspaper and maintained book for data, examples and statistics
2. Insights synopsis conpilation of last 7 months before mains
Now my strategy part-
For mains-
1. Covered insights synopsis exhaustively underlined main terms and words in each question and tried to remember them actively
2. For essay, i used to write one every sunday from insights topics
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