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May 30th 2023
Press conference of @PrashantKishor at Vaishali, sharing the experience of 190 days of Padayatra across 4 districts
Among his findings from the ground:
1. Very little of rice and wheat is procured at MSP as opposed to 70% in Punjab
2. Govt claim of 5 kg grains disbursed under #GaribKalyan is false. 20% is eaten up. So much for Modi govt's claim of eliminating corruption.
3. Another big scheme (launched in 2014) is #SwachhBharat Abhiyan. Most districts of Bihar had been declared Open defecation free 2 yrs ago. But ODF is common. Money was collected by officials (not netas) to make toilets but no one has checked if toilets were made and are used.
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