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Jun 18th 2021
In a sad development, Kanta Prasad, 80, owner of the popular "Baba Ka Dhaba" eatery in Delhi, allegedly tried to kill himself and is admitted to the Safdarjung Hospital. He was taken to the hospital in an unconscious state around 11:30 pm on Thursday.…
Police said they received an emergency call from the hospital last night. "Police rushed to the spot and found that he is Kanta Prasad. He is currently undergoing treatment. His wife informed the police that he had been depressed for the last few days," an official said.
Prasad's son, Karan said his father had taken alcohol and sleeping pills. Badami Devi, Prasad's wife said, "I don't know what he ate. He fell unconscious, I was sitting at the dhaba. I brought him here. Doctor hasn't told us anything...don't know what was going on in his mind."
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